Who We Are

We are the Glennville Methodist Church. We serve the wonderful people of Glennville, Tattnall County, and the world! We are located at 116 S. Caswell St. in beautiful downtown Glennville, GA. We are short drive from Ft. Stewart, Hinesville, Reidsville, and Claxton.

Methodists stand squarely in the middle of the Protestant strand of Christianity.  Founder John Wesley once claimed that anyone who loves God and neighbor could be a Methodist.  Distinctive emphases include a stress on the undeserved, unmerited, and loving action of God (called grace).  We believe this love draws us towards God even before we are aware of it.  We believe that, once converted, we continue to grow in the life of Christ, and that by the power of God we can be made holy for love and Good works.

Methodists believe in personal and social holiness, faith and good works, and mission and service.  Wesley had 3 General Rules for Methodists:  Do no harm; do all the good you can; attend to the ordinances of God (i.e., public worship, small group participation,  Supper of the Lord, family and private prayer, Bible reading, fasting).

We are a part of the Global Methodist Church and committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.

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